Saturday, February 25, 2012

Akward...and irritating...

Venting: Last night, as we left swimming lessons with our sweet friends we walked right by a teacher from Van's worst school experience ever.  I would have normally ducked, hid, ran the other way but we needed to use the same door so this was impossible.  She didn't even acknowledge me...I wanted to say: Look! Look at him...he's happy, healthy, thriving...doing everything you doubted.  When we got in the car Van said, "I saw her...she smiled at me...she likes me now." out a mom's heart. No child should ever feel like they are not cared about or liked at school, even if they offer you challenges!

OK...I'm better!


  1. That makes me sad also.Glad you got it off your chest. It is too bad that there are mean, and therefore inconsequential people involved in the lives of children.

  2. Some people... ...gonna leave it at that before saying something mean.

  3. It was akward wasn't it? The mama bear in me wants to have a nice long conversation with her about our lovely boys and let her know that being compassionate and genuine is actually a beautiful thing and kids won't take advantage of her if she shows some kindness. Grumble, grumble, grumble. I am just so thankful that Van is a part of a school that sees him for the wonderful little man that he is. He is so lucky to have you as a mama and an advocate!
