Friday, December 9, 2011

Just this once...

So, feeling discouraged...going to take this chance to vent to those I love and those that I know love me...and I promise this will be it...for awhile...

Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have left the house...just stayed in with my boys...
Sometimes I get pissed that people don't listen...
Sometimes I am furious about the situations that people force upon children...
Sometimes we all take up the slack for absent parents...and still, it isn't enough...
Sometimes I feel so sad to hear kids expressing self-doubt and frustration...
Sometimes I feel like I can never be enough to help...

Having a hard time leaving work at work after this week (not really possible for those who understand a teacher's heart)...really want to just cuddle up and cry and then go out and prove to the world that there is beauty and good...I see it in every minute but don't have the worries that so many children do.........


  1. Oh Colleen. I am sorry. I have always appreciated your heart and that is what makes you such a wonderful teacher, friend, wife, and mommy. I am sorry you are feeling discouraged. Let me know if you need a venting session with a glass of wine....

  2. Sad for you but also glad that you are so caring and will show children a loving heart. I'm also glad that you have a friend like Sara Jane ( thank you for being there for my baby ). :)
