Saturday, October 29, 2011

Season of the Witch

We enjoyed a spooky start to our weekend! Van won second prize in a pee-wee bowler costume party (sans cape, sword, and boots)! Then we went trick-or-treating downtown with every other child in Laramie where he puked all over himself. Costume is being washed and prepped for Monday where we will hit up UW for games and more candy, and hopefully no puke ;)

Viking Van (the blurry kid in the photo)

Spooky music....which version is your fave? I tend to be a music purist so must go for Donovan but do appreciate the others too :)


  1. Donovan out of that group but you didn't include Al Kooper's version.

  2. Oooohhh...I bet that's the scariest of them all! I didn't even know he did it...
