So...due to past experiences that you (family and friends) are well aware of, I panic when I get a call from preschool...even more panic when they start the call with, "Well, we have an issue..."
...but relief upon hearing, simply, "Van stuck a bead up his nose and we can't get it out...can you come and take him to the doctor?" Easy...right...easy compared to what we've heard from preschool. Being the seasoned mom that I am (haha...channeling my logical half aka Brett)....I called the doctor to see what we need to do (before, I would have rushed to the ER with the fear of....anything really). They said to plug his other nostril and blow into his mouth. Felt weird to have this ability but it worked, two breaths, a tweezer, and a sucker later, the little fuzzy bead was out.
When asked why he did it: cuz it was on the fwoor