As I get closer and closer to graduating, I also get closer and closer to having to hand in and defend my thesis. Sometimes it feels overwhelming but it's actually funny because having this work to do has actually encouraged me to do other here's my list of things I've done today instead of get hit the lit. review section hard...
1. Cleaned Van's room...which was actually a huge mess...he told me not to pick up the piles of books because it was actually a beaver dam and that if I ruined their dam, they would starve (he's 2)
2. Hot-glue gunned two dinosaur tails out of felt
3. Took the long, long way to and from the library
4. Facebook...biggest time waster of the day...bad Facebook
5. Write this blog entry
6. Eat home-made hotwings and enjoy a Longboard Lager
7. Searched Netflix
8. Thought about cleaning up dog poo...would rather do the paper
9. Looked for my missing bracelet
10. Wrestled Van
11. Read to Van
12. Cuddled hubby
13. Watched the snow fall
OK...I could go on and on but as I look at this list, I realize that everything else I did was much needed and that balance is key in a good life...this paper, although I still MUST DO IT, turned out secondary in importance for the good of my heart <3